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  • Propylene Glycol
Propylene Glycol

Propylene Glycol

Propylene Glycol


1.propylene glycol Mainly used for making polyester fiber
2.propylene glcyol used for polyester resin,
3.propylene glycol used for dehumidifying agents
4.propylene glycol used for plasticizers
5.propylene glycol used for surfactants
6.propylene glycol used for synthetic fibers
7.propylene glycol Can be used as a dye / ink solvent, 
8.propylene glycol can be used for the preparation of the engine antifreeze
9.propylene glycol can be used for gas dehydration
10.propylene glycol can be used for the production of synthetic resin
11.propylene glycol can be used for PET
12.propylene glycol can be used for polyester fiber grade PET
13.propylene glycol can be used for bottle grade PET film
14.propylene glycol can be used for producing  mineral water bottles
15.propylene glycol can also produce alkyd resins,
16.propylene glcyol also can be used as antifreeze

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